What I read in December 2022
I read 17 books in December 2022, which is A LOT, but that’s what happens when I get the ‘rona and am stuck inside over the Christmas break.
While I was in covid jail, I also finished Wednesday, watched the whole new volume of Unsolved Mysteries and several episodes of The Sandman, and played many, many games of Wingspan on Board Game Arena. Even so, I’m bummed that it’s nearly time to get back to work already.
Next Friday (13 January), it’s Emotional Madness with Mary-Ann and Mates at Colchester Arts Centre. If you’re local, do come along and hear me read out a short story (provided I’ve actually written it by then, ahem…)
A Deadly Covenant, by Michael Stanley - 4*
The Other People, by C. J. Tudor - 4*
Out of Service, by Gabby Hutchinson Crouch - weird how I ended up reading two books centring around motorway services in a row! 4.5*
Dashboard Elvis is Dead, by David F. Ross - 5*
The Gospel of Loki, by Joanne Harris - 4*
Terminal Zones, by Gareth E. Rees - 4*
The Children of Little Thwopping, by Oli Jacobs - 4*
Witches Abroad, by Terry Pratchett - 5*
The Breaking Point and other short stories, by Daphne du Maurier - 4*
In the Midst of Winter, by Isabel Allende - 5*
Beyond the Veil, edited by Mark Morris - 3.5*
Light Perpetual, by Francis Spufford - 4.5*
Found: An Anthology of Found Footage Horror Stories, edited by Andrew Cull and Gabino Iglesias - 4.5*
The Birdcage, by Eve Chase - I enjoyed the story and the writing, but did guess the big reveals quite early on because I’ve read so many books with similar twists. 4*
The Ghost Woods, by C. J. Cooke - 4.5*
So Pretty, by Ronnie Turner 3.5*
Looking ahead…
Now it’s January, the blog tour machine is starting back up, and The Things We Lost, by Jyoti Patel, looks especially promising.
I’ll also be continuing my Terry Pratchett and C. J. Tudor sprees with Maskerade and The Burning Girls, respectively.
As for AHH! That’s What I Call Horror! An anthology of ’90s horror, edited by Chelsea Pumpkins, well - as if I could resist a short horror story collection with a 90s theme. It’s like it was made for me.