What I read in March 2022

Another great month for reading. So far this year, I’ve read 35 books, and I have so many on my TBR, it’s sometimes hard to decide what to read next.

This month I did a Q&A about book blogging for my friends at Colchester WriteNight and was surprised by how long the discussion went on for - I never realised I had so much to say about it, or that other people would find it so interesting!

Crow Court, Beast, A Life for a Life, The Flames

Crow Court, by Andy Charman - 4*

Beast, by Matt Wesolowski - 4*

A Life for a Life, by Carol Wyer - 3.5*

The Flames, by Sophie Haydock - 5*

Boy Fallen, Faceless, The Smallest Man, Peach Blossom Spring

Boy Fallen, by Chris Gill - 4.5*

Faceless, by Vanda Symon - 5*

The Smallest Man, by Frances Quinn - this month’s Book Shelf Raiders pick, though I didn’t make it to the meeting in the end (and have a clash next month, boo!). 4*

Peach Blossom Spring, by Melissa Fu - 5*

The High House, Torch, Soulcat, The Space Adventures of Kirk Sandblaster: Space Adventurer

The High House, by Jessie Greengrass - 4*

Torch, by Lin Anderson - 3*

Soulcat, by Amy Vaughan-Spencer - 4*

The Space Adventures of Kirk Sandblaster: Space Adventurer - strong Zapp Brannigan and Kif Kroker vibes. 4*

Looking ahead…

A Tidy Ending, Deity, Overkill, The Carnival of Ash

Lots to look forward to, as always. How could I not jump straight on the blog tour for the new Joanna Cannon book, A Tidy Ending? The Carnival of Ash, by Tom Beckerlegge is another blog tour book that looks and sounds absolutely stunning.

I’m continuing my Six Stories readthrough with book five, Deity and finally delving into Vanda Symon’s back catalogue having enjoyed Faceless last month, and Bound <mumbles>over a year ago</mumbles>.

Alice Violett's Picture

About Alice Violett

Writer of blogs and short stories, reader of books, player of board games, lover of cats, editor of web content, haver of PhD.

Colchester, UK https://www.draliceviolett.com