What I read in July 2021

Another ten books read in another difficult month mentally. Not all the ones I planned, and with a slight theme if you can spot it…

Girls Who Lie, The C Word, The Great Silence, Drama Queen, But You Don't Look Autistic At All

Girls Who Lie, by Eva Björg Ægisdóttir, translated by Victoria Cribb - 4*

The C Word, edited by SpellBound books - 4*

The Great Silence, by Doug Johnstone - 5*

Drama Queen, by Sara Gibbs - 5*

But You Don’t Look Autistic At All, by Bianca Toeps, translated by Fay MacCorquodale-Smith - 4*

The Curious Rise of Alex Lazarus, The Missing Sister, Odd Girl Out, Rabbit Hole, A Young Lady's Miscellany

The Curious Rise of Alex Lazarus, by Adam Leigh - 4*

The Missing Sister, by Lucinda Riley. Getting to the end of this before finding out her son was going to write the last book was a bit of a ‘WHAAAT?’ moment! 4*

Odd Girl Out, by Laura James - 4*

Rabbit Hole, by Mark Billingham - 4*

A Young Lady’s Miscellany, by Auriel Roe - 4*

Looking ahead…

Invisible Victim, The Killing Tide, Good Samaritans, 1979

Carrying over Mel Sherratt (though I believe the title has changed!) and Will Carver because I didn’t get to them in July. The Killing Tide is my first Lin Anderson, for a blog tour, and Val McDermid is one of my ‘auto-buy’ authors.

Alice Violett's Picture

About Alice Violett

Writer of blogs and short stories, reader of books, player of board games, lover of cats, editor of web content, haver of PhD.

Colchester, UK https://www.draliceviolett.com